Talking Wolf
Joe called a few days after we got back from the rabbit hunt and said that he would like to do some big game hunting before he went off to school for the Air Force reserves. All that’s left this time of year is spring black bear. We talked and looked over maps, and decided that with the limited time we had, the best place would be a day trip to Point Mackenzie.
I picked Joe up at six AM and we drove as close to a spot I found several years ago as we could get. I thought that this was the most likely place to find a bear this early, since it’s a bear den. I found it while moose hunting in the fall years ago, at that time there was old bear scat and tracks all around it, an obvious sign that a bear had wintered there that year. I was hoping that a bear had used it for its winter nap this year. All of this I didn’t tell Joe, I was planning it as a surprise. Well, actually I knew that if his wife Karen found out, that I was going to have him crawl in a bear den she wouldn’t let him go. She would lock Joe in a small room and never let him out to play with me. Then she would tell my wife, who would lock me a room.
It was only twenty degrees when we arrived at Point Mackenzie. After a warm day the day before the cool morning made the snow hard and easy to drive on. So I cruised off the road down a trail with relative ease until I got to a spot that I thought I had better park at, as when it warms up it might be hard to drive out.
Joe and I loaded our hunting packs and started walking down an old deserted road that went over a swamp. The cold weather made for loud walking as our feet crunched through the frozen surface. Joe and I thought that we could walk quieter if we got off the road and onto the swamp. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for the sun to rise over the rugged Chugach Mountains and start melting the ice and snow; soon our feet were falling through the ice into freezing cold water. We made a beeline to the road; for we didn’t want to soak our boots with freezing water this early in the day.
Soon we got to a large gravel pad which was the end of the road. Elevated over the surrounding swamp a few feet, it made for a good spot to stop and scope out our flat desolate surroundings. Joe marked the spot on his GPS and found that we were about one mile from the car. He then asked where we were going. I pointed to a small knoll of black spruce sticking up on the other side of the swamp a mile away and said,” over there and it’s a good thing you bought your 44 MAG”.
Joe asked. “Why?”
I said, “Because on the top of that knoll there’s a bear den I found a few years a go. Since I’m too big to crawl in and look for the bear you will have to do it”.
Joe thought for a short time then told me, “It would be perfectly fine with me, if you borrowed my hand gun just long enough to crawl in and look and if you want you can even use my head lamp in there.”
“Well”, I said,” That’s something I will have to think about while you walk over there with it strapped to your shoulder”.
We then started walking across the swamp. With each step we could feel the muskeg sag under our feet and when we walked on ice ominous popping and creaking sounds were heard. Joe kept telling me that the trip back was going to be a wet one after the sun warms the ground. As we reached the far side of the swamp it was too late, the heat of the day had already warmed the thin icy surface and as we took steps our feet crunched through and into chilly water. Joe, in his Red Wings was fine. But mine in my Sports Authority specials were soaked. It’s a good thing that I try to leave the house prepared as I had two extra pairs of socks in my back pack and extra shoes in the car.
We reached the other side of the swamp and I motioned to Joe that it was time to be quiet. We crept through the trees and turned left up a small hill. I softly told Joe,” I think we’re getting close to the spot”. We slowed our pace to a mere crawl, our hearts started to pound and our palms started to sweat. When we reached the top of the hill I looked down to my left and there it was a small hole in the ground only about ten inches in diameter. The den looked much smaller than I recalled, and with the exception of some indiscernible, melted, wind blown old tracks that went inside, but never came out, the place looked deserted. I whispered to Joe, “get your gun out and crawl in”. I was being facetious, as the area looked void of life.
There was a lone screech from a squirrel in a tree near by, Joe had a grimace on his face and was about to respond, when we heard something move in the woods around us. At first the brush swished with the sound of motion in front of us, then the noise of something crossing the trail at the bottom of the hill, after that something moved behind us. Joe and I quickly loaded our guns and we stood stone cold, not saying a word.
After a few seconds Joe said,”that’s the biggest squirrel I’ve ever heard.”
I said, “I don’t think that was a moose or a bear and if it’s not a prehistoric rodent than it must be a dog of some sorts”.
Joe and I talked for a bit and decided that we should walk farther down the trail away from that spot. When we got to the other side of the knoll we noticed two sets of fresh wolf track. One small set that crossed the trail and disappeared into the thick black timber and one that paralleled the trail for a bit then disappeared into the forest. Joe and I stopped to investigate them for a bit when we heard the lone mournful howl of a wolf; it was quickly followed by a higher howl in the distance. They howled back and forth for awhile then stopped. I asked Joe if I should howl back, he said no.
Soon after they stopped Joe and I decided to continue down the trail. One of the purposes of this trip was to find a good spot to put a possible bear stand next year and a location to do some predator calling for next season. We walked on talking quietly to one another how we would build the station, were we would place it, if we would use a stand made from trees or use a tri pod, put it up high or use a ground blind. We had walked a quarter mile or so when we heard the wolf howl again. We ceased movement and listened to our surroundings. We could tell that it was coming from the thickets next to us. Joe motioned that we should walk in there to look and listen some more.
The walking was harder now than it was earlier in the day. The crust on the surface had melted. We sunk to our knees as we walked over logs and other debris. We soon got to the other side of the thicket and to another swamp. We took a break so Joe could check his GPS and as he did so we heard the deep lonely howl of the alpha male. We were sure this was the big male as it had a deeper louder howl than the one that was off in the distance earlier in the day. This time I thought that I should try to howl back. After a few howls the dog called back so I did it a few more times and it called back again. Joe thought that we could get a little closer if we walked through the next set of trees in a south east direction. After a few more minuets of walking we got to another clearing. I howled again and it answered back right away.
This time we could tell that it was right next to us. I motioned to Joe that we should walk to the opposite edge of the clearing and sit. We stationed ourselves behind some black spruce to help camouflage us. I knelt down and howled, it took a few seconds for the dog to respond. Then I got the idea that I should try my best hare in distress call. I’ve only heard one on my computer game but thought that it was worth a try. I gave a sound that echoed through the woods like a stuck pig. Soon the wolf responded even louder than before. I shifted from a howl to a snow shoe hare in distress and after each cycle the wolf would communicate with a loud deep mournful howl followed by a few screechy yaps.
After we communed back and forth for a while the dog’s response slowed. I asked Joe if he thought that it was over and he said to try a few more time so I did. Soon the animal talked back, this time it was down wind of us. I did a rabbit call and it called back I responded but then nothing, it caught our scent and the forest became void of life once more.
Joe and I did a loop through the woods. We crossed a creek, followed an old tractor trail and eventually made our way back to where we started. As we walked we found the spot where the alpha male caught our scent and left. When we got near the den we inspected what looked like the tracks of two pups a bitch and the alpha male.
When Joe and I found our way back to the swamp and crossed to the old road the heat of the day was over whelming, we had to strip to our long sleeve shirts to stay comfortable. The swamp melted and my feet were soaked to the bone, I figured the heck with it and plunged into the soggy tundra with no regard for my feet. Joe on the other hand was still dry and chose to tip toe around all the puddles. Unfortunately, when we got to the other side his feet were wet also. The last mile down the old road was the hardest to walk as our feet sunk in the snow and we were hot. When we got back to the car Joe broke out an MRE. He said the meal ready to eat was great. From the look and smell of it I think I found the thing to use in the bait station next year. On the way back we stopped at the Point Mackenzie café and got a Buffalo burger, it made for a great ending to the day.